Find styrken i dig – no more victim
Find styrken i dig intro er en invitation til at tage styringen i dit liv, ved at tage det første skridt hen imod at slippe offer rollen. At gå fra ansvarsfraskrivelse “det sker for mig”til at tage styringen “jeg ved og vælger” Introaftenen er indledningen til et program over 10 uger, hvor du lære at […]
What will you like to show up?
Is there something in you life or in the world, You would like to have show up different? 8 years ago I had a clinic, was addicted to fixing other peoples problems as a nurse and acupuncturist. loved my husband and was being a good mom. Was doing all the RIGHT things in my community […]
The New Foundation
A Choice for a different future – is now the time? In times of change and turmoil, what else is possible? The Foundation is a set of pragmatic tools to change anything that is not working for you and shift it to ease if you choose so! Will you choose to be the one that […]
Conscious Embodiment
Is your body your best friend? How would your life and the world be like if you would acknowledge the gift it is? And the gift you being embodied right here, right now? A Symphony Session invites you to LIVING in a completely different way. Would you like to make yourself this gift and get […]
5 elementer af intimitet
5 zoom’s med 5 emner begynder 3. Marts Ære,tillid, sårbarhed, taknemlighed og tilladelse. til sammen de 5 elementer af intimitet. For at have intimitet med andre er du først nød til at kunne have det med dig selv. Disse zoom’s vil vi bruge til at gå i dybden , så du kan få adgang til […]
Open Up To The Gift You Be!
4 Sunday Evenings during Holiday Season: 29.11. / 06.12. / 13.12. / 20.12.2020 Are you hiding your uniqueness? Can you see and perceive you as the gift you be? How would your life and the world be like if you would acknowledge the gift you be – and be (the) present? Would you like to […]
Er det tid til forandring?
Medierne skaber med gentagelse og vi tror det er vores virkelighed. Er det, der sendes ud, DIN virkelighed? Hjernen godkender alt den ser som velkendt, når den har mødt det 12 gange, det vil sige, nu begynder vi at tage det ind og vælge at lytte til det. Vi begynder at agumentere for det som […]
What will you like to have as your life?
So often I have been called a dreamer, when I knew of possibilities others could or would not perceive and receive. It all comes down to choice 🙂 Would you like to have and create a greater reality for You, Your family, Your business or even the planet or Universe! Oh…last one, did I loose […]
Du er ikke alene!
I anledning af Mental Sundhedsmåned, hvor Access Consciousness sætter fokus på ensomheden og selvmord og hvordan vi kan blive mere bevidste og derved finder vores glæde, udbyder jeg, sammen med mange andre i verden en del gratis Access Bars sessioner. Alle kan komme og prøve i 30 min. og få en snak, alt man skal […]
Creation time and fun
Upcoming Classes in Hannover, Germany
Soon I’ll be on my way to Hannover, Germany – for some creations and fun with my friends! On Saturday, 9th March, you’re invited to join us when we explore the ease and joy in being special. Find the joy in different and weird and turn weakness into strength – Are you willing to show […]